Chiradeep BasuMallick

Chiradeep BasuMallick

Technical Writer

Chiradeep is a content marketing professional, a startup incubator, and a tech journalism specialist. He has over 11 years of experience in mainline advertising, marketing communications, corporate communications, and content marketing. He has worked with a number of global majors and Indian MNCs, and currently manages his content marketing startup based out of Kolkata, India. He writes extensively on areas such as IT, BFSI, healthcare, manufacturing, hospitality, and financial analysis & stock markets. He studied literature, has a degree in public relations and is an independent contributor for several leading publications.
Stories by Chiradeep BasuMallick
PowerShell is an open-source, command-line interface tool that allows developers to automate tasks and configurations using code. The tool allows...
Slack is one of the most popular collaboration tools on the market. Yet most people only use it as a...
Enterprise IT managers must manage mobile devices to ensure compliant and secure use of the company's network, data, and devices....
Given that the average cost of a data breach is nearing $5 million, you should be on the lookout for...
Computer-aided design (CAD) allows humans to digitally create two- and three-dimensional design simulations of real-world objects. This allows for the...
A wide area network (WAN) is a connected collection of telecommunication networks distributed across a large geographic area that allows...