Why You Should Ban Phones and Laptops from Meetings
In todays busy work environment, many people see multitasking as necessary to make sure they stay on top of their heavy workload. Thats why so many professionals need to have access to their pho

Recognize this scenario? During a meeting, a colleague who has been on his phone for the past five minutes interrupts to ask a question that was already answered.
In today’s busy work environment, many people see multitasking as necessary to make sure they stay on top of their heavy workload. That’s why so many professionals “need” to have access to their phones or laptops during meetings.
The truth, though, is that while some may be better than others at splitting their focus, multitasking has been proved by various studies to result in poor decision-making, low productivity, and hours of wasted time. In fact, according to many researchers, it’s a key driver of underperformance, leading to as much as a 40% drop in productivity.
Hence, disciplines such as mindfulness are increasingly being introduced to help employees deal with stress and learn to focus better on the tasks at hand.
The negative influences of technology distraction go even deeper than simply taking longer to finish assignments. One report entitled “The Effects of Multitasking on Organizations” found that organizational multitasking actually has a massive impact on the global economy, costing more than $450 billion in lost productivity.
Is Multitasking a Myth?
While some individuals can effectively multitask, the success of this depends on the types of tasks they are juggling. For instance, while we may be able to doodle yet give full attention to what somebody else is saying, we can’t do the same when reading an e-mail.
The science is actually quite simple, tied to which parts of the brain are in use. If the activities are too similar – for example, reading a work report or e-mail on a laptop while paying attention to a presentation in a meeting – then our brains must jump between different sources of information.
In other words, multitasking and task-switching are very different beasts.
That’s why we should bypass this issue altogether and ban the use of any personal technology in meetings.
This isn’t meant to be a “don’t-look-at-your-phones-laptops-or-tablets” policy. Having a smartphone on the table distracts people because even if it’s out of sight, they must actively tune it out. This requires subconscious use of your cognitive facilities in order to successfully shift focus away from that device. It’s like telling someone not to think of an elephant. Once you put it out there, it’s all your brain can think about.
Some people will argue that they can’t afford this. They’ll say they have too much to do. They’ll say that even for a 30-minute or hour-long meeting will put them too far behind.
In reality, however, not being able to access screens during a meeting – extenuating circumstances aside, of course – boosts productivity and efficiency. It also reduces the amount of time required for a meeting, enhances collaboration and empathy among staff, and even helps workers retain information.
Reduced Time Spent in Meetings
Many who object to the idea of removing devices from meetings worry about the extra time they will have to spend on other work they were unable to focus on. Studies have shown, though, that fewer distractions resulting from a tech ban produce shorter meetings, affording everyone more and focused time to devote to those other projects.
And that absence of interruptions is good for everyone in the room. Think about it: All those incoming e-mail dings and vibrating phones are like little jolts jarring focus throughout the room.
That increased level of engagement also nurtures higher levels of energy from a meeting’s participants. When people are excited about the topic, discussions stay on point. This makes for more efficient, effective, and shorter meetings.
Improved Collaboration, Empathy and Input
The impact of banning screens also helps employees work better together.
Simple things, like increased eye contact and changes to the body language in the room, improve empathy and participation. By removing screens, you remove barriers among participants, forcing them to be more active in the meeting.
Enhanced engagement means the entire team will be fully invested in the topic. Participants will be more likely to have more insightful input and make better decisions as a cohesive group.
End the Distractions
Here’s a challenge to office leaders, or anyone who runs meetings: Put your foot down and enforce this change. An added bonus: any other strategy you implement to improve your meetings will be more effective.
- Establishing ground rules at the start of every meeting: No laptops, no phones.
- Being consistent so that everyone accepts this as the new way of business. You could even introduce a check-your-device-at-the-door policy until people absorb the idea.
- Providing participants with paper pads and pens. This reinforces the idea that everybody should be involved in the discussion. Studies have even found that writing notes by hand, rather than typing, is better for retention of information.
- Making sure everybody knows how long the meeting is going to be, and if there will be breaks.
And most important of all: Lead by example.