Connecting the IT industry since 2006.
We’re the marketplace where tech buyers and sellers come
together to push the world forward with technology.
How did we get here?
It all started with a listening tour.
With a passion for technology and the drive to build something great together, our co-founders met 1:1 with hardworking IT pros and listened to their pains. They heard a common theme: IT pros had too much on their plates, IT products were difficult to use, and tech vendors were hard to reach. This sparked an idea: How could we simplify the IT workday for millions of IT pros? And what could we do to “spice up” the IT industry with tools that "just work"? With that, the Spiceworks name was born.

A Gmail ad sparked a revolution.
Company name in hand, the co-founders were trading emails about the need for a logo when a Gmail ad suggested a design firm. $200 later, the original Spiceworks logo was born (and it served us well for a decade). But this experience got us thinking: If ads worked in email, why not give it a go in IT? We developed a free IT management app and monetized it by connecting IT pros to tech brands through advertising. Some people thought we were crazy. But six months after launch, IT pros in nearly every country across the globe were using Spiceworks.
From software pioneer to
IT social network...
Within a few years, a series of events unfolded that would forever change the way the IT industry connects. Conversations in our feature request forum began to evolve — from discussions about our app to broader topics about the latest technologies, pressing IT questions, and new challenges IT pros were tackling. The Spiceworks Community rapidly evolved into the place where millions of IT pros and thousands of tech brands come together every year to solve tech challenges and support each other, making it the largest, most unique IT community of its kind.

... to global technology marketplace.
Today, we’re the global technology marketplace that sits at the apex of a $3.7 trillion IT industry with a unique opportunity. IT pros have more information at their fingertips than ever before. And it’s overwhelming. At the same time, tech brands spend over $300 billion each year on sales and marketing. But much of this is spent inefficiently. After all, it’s tough to get tech solutions in the right hands at the right time. To tackle this enormous opportunity, we’re using AI technology and our unique insights into the market to connect IT pros with the right experts, tools, and information when they need it most. Simultaneously, we’re connecting tech brands with in-market buyers at the right time. It’s a big challenge, but we’re having a blast redefining the IT industry!
Spiceworks by the numbers
20 Million
tech buyers use Spiceworks every 90 days.
1 Million +
businesses kept up and running by the
tech professionals in Spiceworks.
What are people saying about Spiceworks?
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Tech Professionals
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Tech Brands
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