Challenges Faced by Leaders of Remote Teams
As more and more Americans work from home, the role of manager can become more complicated. BELAY‘s HR Manager and Culture Cultivator shares 3 tips for a work-from-home strategy that works.
Americans increasingly work from home. According to a survey of 15,000 workers by Gallup, more than 40 percent of all employees serve on a virtual basis at least part of the time. Still, managing a virtual group is not for the faint at heart. Leadership in the traditional sense carries its own concerns. Hiring smartly, budgeting accordingly, motivating authentically, training pragmatically, facilitating change strategically . . . there is no shortage of issues to rack the brain of any 21st century manager.
With more workers performing their jobs from home, co-working spaces, coffee shops or wherever they have an online connection, the role of the manager becomes even more complicated. Managing talent from afar brings new meaning to the job of a supervisor. Business thinkers and senior managers are asking questions like, “How do I ensure the work is being done? What can headquarters do to keep offsite staff invested in the work? In what way can home-based employees stay linked to our vision?”
It’s clear that many organizations are still working out issues unique to this brave new world of work. At the same time, there are legions of startups, mid-sized businesses and even large conglomerates that are pioneers – leading the way and illustrating lessons at every step. Fortunately, today’s and tomorrow’s leaders of telecommuting teams don’t have to recreate the wheel to experience success with virtual work.
Paying attention to these three areas is the foundation for a work-from-home strategy that really works.
Collaboration. When people work from home, it can be quite productive for the company and foster more work-life balance for the employee. There are fewer distractions, less work-related stressors (e.g. long commutes) and a more relaxed environment. But remote work can also have unplanned side effects. One of these is that some employees may feel alone. Some research shows that those who work remotely 100 percent of the time may be at higher risk for disengagement.
Managers can address this by promoting collaboration. In many of the same ways leaders bring people together in an office setting, supervisors can mirror in a virtual environment. Options could include team research projects, group presentations, special departmental initiatives and even colleague-to-colleague mentoring. Moreover, by optimizing technological platforms, coworkers can maintain closeness, lessening symptoms of seclusion.
Culture. Workplace culture is closely tied to staff morale and employee engagement. While the intricacies of what makes a workplace positive or negative can be complex, the basic formula is pretty simple: Poor places to work carry many risks and shortcomings for the business and its teams; good places to work face fewer pitfalls and greater benefits for all involved. Companies with positive cultures display a span of business benefits – lower turnover, greater innovation, more productivity, fewer workplace accidents. Those with negative cultures become known for low retention, inflammatory online reviews and even less competitive job candidates.
As I wrote before in “3 Ways to Effectively Managing a Virtual Team,” “As HR professionals know, high-functioning company cultures don’t spring up spontaneously, even when everyone works under the same roof. It takes thoughtful planning and proactive relationship building to create a cohesive company culture.” Leaders should be accountable for funneling the company’s values to their teams and keeping them alive and relevant through action. What does this look like in application? Team goals tied to the company vision, mission and values. Performance reviews connected to corporate ideals. Internal communication platforms that mimic the spirit and personality of the brand.
Communication. Even though virtual teams are off site, this mode of work should not translate into communication that is literally remote – that is, barely there, distant or far-flung. Unfortunately, because virtual teams rely strongly on technologies for daily activities like file sharing, online meetings, conference calls, and texting or chat messaging, leaders and employees can become too dependent on the means of communication rather than the substance.
People might believe they are great flexible workplace communicators when, in reality, they are simply utilizing the tools and tech at their disposal but without much intention. Using such platforms or devices does not automatically mean people feel informed, engaged or heeded. Leaders should take care not to grow wholly reliant on technology as a replacement for talking and not lose sight of real relationship-building. Picking up the phone to speak with colleagues can go a long way in presenting a more personable leadership style. Using webcams to build in facetime can salvage the human element. Managers should commit to a similar range of touchpoints they’re accustomed to using in an office-based context. This can mean focusing on consistency, such as quarterly check-ins and weekly touch-bases. It can also emphasize lightheartedness through online watercooler opportunities.
Managing a virtual team is always a work in progress. As technologies adapt and new best practices emerge, leaders are challenged to remain agile in their supervisory style. Yet communication, collaboration and culture are constants in the workplace, no matter the location. Learning about these – and being committed to their mastery – are the foundation of remote-work viability in organizations of all types.