5 Things Ad Buyers Can Do To Overcome CTV Transparency Issues

The programmatic CTV industry has transparency issues. And it will take time to provide the transparent and standardized CTV solutions advertisers seek. Laura Taylor, programmatic trader, Center of Excellence (CoE), Goodway Group, discusses a few things advertisers can do to overcome this challenge.

June 27, 2022

Programmatic connected TV (CTV) has a transparency problem. But it is fixable. To give advertisers the transparency they demand and rely on from other digital channels, the adtech industry must heavily invest in an infrastructure that can support a standardized approach to accessing and measuring streaming audiences across over-the-top (OTT) devices. 

Before the massive shift in user viewing habits, the greatest CTV challenges were elementary: media buyers had to deal with channel reporting limitations due to the fragmentation of unique identifiers (bundle IDs) across distributers and understand the varying capabilities and audience reach through buying platforms. But these kinds of hurdles are expected. They come with any new emerging media channel and deterred few early adopter brands from making initial investments in this up-and-coming space. 

Fast-forward many TV seasons later, though, and these CTV hurdles still have not been solved by and large within the adtech industry. They have only compounded, especially with the advanced technical requirements and content distribution rights buyers must contend with now that the cord-cutter population is quickly rising.  

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In this age of technology, demand-side platform (DSP) pipes connect buyers to an online marketplace and support a traditional format that has been through decades of industry standardizations, from FCC regulation to panel-based measurement (Nielsen) as a form of transactional currency. But buyers simply cannot wait until the industry catches up to provide the transparent and standardized CTV solutions advertisers are seeking now. It is time to adjust our expectations to match CTV’s current reality, create our own clarity and innovate:

5 Steps Buyers Should Take Now

1.Understand CTV’s current capabilities

Encourage your media buying teams to take a deep dive into buying platforms to discover the array of limitations that still exist between capabilities and reporting. Identify an operationally-focused contact (a skilled programmatic media trader, if possible) from the DSP and ask them to share any caveats to the CTV environment compared to online video. 

Not all platforms have an extensive ID graphOpens a new window that offers performance measurement for cross-screen attribution or reach. Others have restricted audience targeting that is limited to a few data providers or cannot support localized targeting down to the zip code level. Many platforms are still developing how to integrate bid stream signals, including ads.txt seller declaration, content categories and genre-level reporting.

2. Create publisher connections

While buying through the private marketplace is undoubtedly a necessity, an optional approach is to coordinate directly with content publishers to create custom deals. Advertisers can then access a curated channel list within their programming lineups or tap into their vast content library by genre type. (This level of targeting granularity is not always accessible in off-the-shelf deals pre-negotiated by DSPs.)

If you do not have established direct partnerships with publishers, you could be missing available enhancements you can layer on their exclusive first-party subscriber data to reach your target audience. You may also be missing other benefits, such as monthly check-ins with publishers — where they can offer win-rate insights, optimizations to help you maximize scale, and potentially even discount rates based on your spend volume. With an exclusive publisher 1:1 deal, you will likely have less competition for inventory than with many platform-owned deals. You compete directly within the non-guaranteed marketplace and pay a market value price for the inventory. In contrast, platform-owned deals are set up to create an “auction within an auction,” which make bidders vie for the same impression at an inflated rate partly due to the demand generated throughout the process.

3. Invest in innovation

Execute a multi-platform approach to ensure you are taking advantage of having access to the first-party supply-side data each platform may offer, including data collected through subscription services, device registration, content recognition (ACR) viewershipOpens a new window or on-site shopper behaviors. 

Staying connected to many sources of inventory also ensures you are not tuning out important viewer groups who may only be reachable through those apps whose inventory is solely available for purchase through their owned and operated platforms. 

By leveraging several buying platforms, you may also discover some of the new and innovative products available, including content sponsorship opportunities, brand lift studies, creative tools developed to drive viewer engagement and even linear reach and frequency measurement in parallel with CTV delivery. 

What is better yet? Buying platforms could ask you to participate in betas, allowing you first access and the chance to experiment early on with innovative technology. These opportunities could net you the fresh insights you need to stay ahead of the competition and lead the industry.

4. Apply post-bid fraud measurement

Pick a reputable measurement provider that can monitor inventory and detect CTV fraud. Recently, the adtech industry has exposed fraud schemes Opens a new window that target server-side ad insertion (SSAI) by means of “spoofing” CTV inventory across apps, IP addresses and devices. This measurement provider can track the server-side ad insertion rate where the content and advertising are being stitched into a single video stream that could possibly be vulnerable to these types of attacks.

Like other programmatic channels, invalid traffic measurement is also available for CTV. It includes excessive activity rate detection, which can identify those impressions delivered to users with invalid activity levels — those beyond normal binge-watcher behavior. Use a reputable post-bid measurement analytics suite so you are granted a clearer view of the delivery against metrics that still have not been integrated into buying platforms. 

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5. Establish a center of excellence (CoE) to lead world-class execution

Transparency must start at the top. One way to ensure this is for corporate leadership teams to form a Center of Excellence (CoE)Opens a new window , a group of subject matter experts responsible for collaborating cross-functionally and driving operational excellence through set standards. 

CoE members can disseminate knowledge to internal groups, serve as resources for developing best practices and focus on buying strategy innovation. They can also coordinate with internal teams and maintain external partner relationships to continually identify and leverage unique opportunities as they become available within the CTV landscape. 

As a CTV ad buyer, what steps have taken to overcome the transparency issues? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window


Laura Taylor
Laura Taylor

Programmatic Trader on the Center of Excellence, Goodway Group

Laura Taylor is a Programmatic Trader on the Center of Excellence team at Goodway Group with a knack for quickly picking up emerging technology and understanding what her clients are looking for and need before they do. Recently named a “digital trader super hero” by a top ad tech firm, for over a decade Laura has helped shape the digital media industry and continues to push programmatic forward.
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