Why Remarketing is Highly Effective
How often have you browsed for a product or service online and come across ads about it while visiting other websites? If the answer if often, multiple marketers are remarketing their business to you! An activity that allow marketers to slowly and steadily convert potential consumers into an active consumer base, remarketing acts as a reminder to consumers about their recent browsing and in and several cases, their shopping history. Read on to know what is remarketing, how it works, and how it makes a distinct impact: What exactly is remarketing? Also referred to as ecommerce remarketing by marketers, or as behavioral retargeting, remarketing is designed to direct consumers back to a website after they have visited it earlier. It enables marketers to direct their ads to users who are browsing third-party websites after visiting the company-owned websites. When done strategically, remarketing creates more exposure for the company’s website and increases brand impressions, brand loyalty, and also persuades users to click and return to the website. According to this article, 26 per cent of customers retargeted will return to a website. It is especially effective in converting back users who have abandoned a transaction during the shopping cart update and form filling stages. Why is remarketing crucial to businesses? It is estimated that 96 per cent website visitors are not entirely ready to make a purchase, and 98 per cent users leave a website without converting into buyers, says this report. Clearly, ensuring revisits and higher conversion rates becomes a massive challenge for marketers. This is where remarketing comes to the rescue. When executed strategically, it can significantly boost a consumer’s response to online ads and encourage return visits. The same report also states that it can positively impact user response by an impressive 400 per cent. How does remarketing function? The remarketing technology involves tagging a website visitor’s device with a pixel or cookie and then exhibiting display ads to them. A visitor’s activities can vary from spending time on a product page to partial form-filling. Remarketing technology allows generation of display ads based on a user’s specific online behavior to make it personalized and relevant to the user. Equipped with a powerful CMS, remarketing functions through third-party platforms such as Google AdWords, AdRoll, Chango and many more to mark a visitor’s device, measure his or her online behavior, and serve relevant ads via a display network. What distinct edge does remarketing offer? Unlike traditional display ads that show up based on visitor profiling, remarketing is largely based on personalization. While the former depend on visitor psychographics, remarketing is aligned to his or her recent online behavior. This makes remarketing far more tailored to a user’s current searches, thereby increasing the consumer’s interest in the product, and subsequently also increasing the likelihood of an actual purchase. Further, even if users do not click back to a company’s website, constant, planned exposure to the same, significantly heightens brand recall. One of the most important factors that make remarketing a preferred tool for marketers is a higher ROI as compared to generic online ad campaigns. Since the activity involves targeting users who have already expressed their interest in the company, its website, its products and services – remarketing therefore offers higher conversation rates at lower cost-per-impressions.