New Spiceworks Vendor Pages Help Technology Brands Connect with 1.3 Million IT Professionals

Tech Companies Can Build a Branded Presence and Collaborate with World’s Largest Community of IT Pros

AUSTIN, Texas – March 4, 2011Spiceworks™ Inc. today launched Vendor Pages – a place where technology companies can engage with 25 percent of the world’s small business IT professionals who use Spiceworks to manage, buy and share information about technology products and services. Through their personalized Vendor Page, any tech provider can build and curate a branded presence in Spiceworks and interact with IT pros while they work.

“Just like Facebook Pages did for consumer brands, we’re giving every technology company from big to small a way to have a presence within the world’s largest social business network for IT professionals,” said Scott Abel, co-founder and CEO of Spiceworks. “We’re also making it easier for our users to do their jobs by connecting them with the tech brands they depend on – all while using Spiceworks.”

Technology companies can use Vendor Pages to help IT pros learn about products and services, solve problems, and communicate with experts. Any company can create their own Vendor Page for free or purchase a premium Vendor Page with enhanced features and customization capabilities. To date, over 50 tech brands have created Vendor Pages at Key features include:

  • Branded Vendor Page – a central place where technology providers can build brand awareness among the 1.3 million IT professionals in Spiceworks. Spiceworks users can tap Vendor Pages to interact with tech companies and get questions answered on specific products and services. All Vendor Pages are listed in a central directory, which can be searched by Spiceworks users.
  • Interactive Content Sharing – allows vendors to showcase information about products and offers; feature embedded videos and webinars; link to conversations about their brands in the Spiceworks community; highlight ratings and reviews; and provide updates on events and related information important to potential and existing customers. In addition, brands can use Vendor Pages to power advanced capabilities for Spiceworks users, such as order tracking and more.
  • Application Plug-in Sharing – from their branded Vendor Pages, technology providers can share their own application plug-ins for the Spiceworks IT management application, which make it easier for customers to care for specific devices, software and services. Currently, more than 150 IT management application plug-ins are available to Spiceworks users.
  • Social Media Sharing – allows Spiceworks users to follow Vendor Pages for the technology products and services they use or like, and see which of their peers are followers of a brand. This helps users stay better informed on the latest deals, product updates, and other topics of interest. In addition, technology vendors can share and syndicate their own social media content into the Spiceworks community via their Vendor Pages. They can also link information and discussions created in Spiceworks back to their own web sites.

“As Spiceworks continues to transform IT in a social way, it’s expanding our reach in terms of how we build and maintain relationships with our customers,” said Lauren McCadney of CDW. “With Spiceworks Vendor Pages, we have a highly relevant social channel to serve both new and existing clients, while showcasing our value to over a million small business IT professionals who are current and potential buyers of our products and services.”

The Spiceworks social business network for IT combines free network management, network monitoring and help desk software with a rapidly growing and active Facebook-like community of IT professionals. Organizations of all sizes use Spiceworks to collaborate with each other and support the management of both cloud-based and on-premise technology products and services.

About Spiceworks

Spiceworks is the marketplace that connects the IT industry to help technology buyers and sellers get their jobs done, every day. The company helps people in the world’s businesses to find, adopt, and manage the latest technologies while also helping IT brands build, market, and support better products and services. Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Austin, Texas, Spiceworks empowers people to use technology to make their organizations, their communities, and the world better. For more information, visit

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