AUSTIN, Texas — October 10, 2017 — Today at SpiceWorld 2017, Spiceworks launched Spiceworks Learn, a crowdsourced educational environment that provides free, instructional content in the form of how-tos, webinars, videos, and more. With practical resources across a variety of tech topics, including cloud, virtualization, storage and backup, and networking, Spiceworks Learn helps IT professionals advance their skills and learn new technologies to complete IT tasks. This new initiative is an important step in Spiceworks’ vision to help IT professionals get better at what they do, every day.
According to Spiceworks research, IT professionals spend an average of 6.5 hours per week learning new IT skills and technologies. However, due to other job responsibilities, they can only dedicate 30 to 40 minutes at a time when learning. As a result, many IT professionals prefer to consume information that’s concise and easily accessible.
The short-form, instructional content within Spiceworks Learn enables IT professionals to quickly learn a new skill or technology, track their progress through each topic, and earn badges along the way. The content, grouped by topic and advancement level, is created by Spiceworks’ vast community of IT experts who have on-the-ground experience and insights on how to implement, manage, and optimize IT operations. The crowdsourced approach enables more scalability, provides a variety of perspectives, and maintains fresh content that’s up to date with the latest technologies and best practices.
“As the technology landscape rapidly evolves every day, it’s important for IT professionals to stay up to date on the latest advancements and learn the skills required to execute critical IT projects,” said Daniel Beato, IT director at the Kayal Orthopaedic Center. “Spiceworks Learn helps me fit learning into my hectic schedule with short-form content from other tech experts who have been there before and know what’s necessary to get the job done.”
Complementary to existing online IT courses and certifications, Spiceworks Learn provides practical resources that build on IT professionals’ foundational knowledge by enabling them to apply and implement those skills to complete the task at hand. Additionally, over time, Spiceworks Learn will become more intelligent and personalized to IT professionals’ needs by understanding the topics they’re most interested in and recommending additional resources based on their knowledge level, needs, and experience.
Spiceworks Learn is available today with a desktop and mobile experience. For more information, visit