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The annual report on IT budgets and tech trends

Technology purchase blueprint for the coming year

In part one of the 2019 State of IT ©, Spiceworks inspected how organizations are spending their tech budgets next year. After surveying more than 700 business technology buyers across North America and Europe, we discovered business revenue is on the rise and IT budgets are expected to grow or remain level.

white wave

Key findings:

  1. Most companies (89%) expect their IT budgets to grow or stay steady in 2019.

  2. The need to upgrade outdated IT infrastructure is the biggest driver of IT budget increases in 2019.

  3. More than one-third of midsize companies (500 to 999 employees) saw IT budget increases due to corporate tax cuts.

  4. Small businesses are making significant increases to their hardware budgets while large enterprises are increasing their cloud budgets in 2019.

Foundational Support...

The majority of organizations (58%) across North America and Europe expect business revenue to increase in 2019. Enterprises with 1,000+ employees are even more likely to see a revenue boost. This upward trend is consistent with 2018 numbers, which shows most businesses don’t expect the economy to slow down in the near future.

Expected business revenue change from 2018 to 2019

How will budgets shift from 2018 to 2019?


Most companies (89%) expect their IT budgets to either grow or stay the same over the next 12 months.


IT budgets at large enterprises are the most likely to increase: 56% of companies with 5,000+ employees expect their IT budgets to grow.


43% of those large enterprises expect IT budgets to stay the same.

Across all company sizes, organizations that expect IT budget increases next year anticipate a 20% increase on average, up from 19% in 2018. Only 6% of companies expect a decrease in IT budgets in 2019, compared to 11% in 2018.

Expected IT budget change from 2018 to 2019

What are the driving forces causing companies to build up their IT spending? Most companies (64%) are ramping budgets so they can upgrade outdated IT infrastructure, but the need to shore up aging hardware varies by industry and company size.

For example, 82% of government organizations across North America and Europe said they’re expanding IT budgets due to outdated IT infrastructure, which is significantly higher than in any other industry. This makes sense considering some government organizations, such as the National Health Service in the UK, pledged millions to improve and protect their infrastructure following cybersecurity attacks like WannaCry.

Directionally, large enterprises (5,000+ employees) are more likely to build up IT budgets due to increased security concerns. In contrast, IT budgets at midsize organizations (500 to 999 employees) are more likely to grow thanks to corporate tax cuts.

Large companies in saturated markets typically have fewer opportunities to invest windfall tax savings in the business, so they’re more likely to return that money to shareholders in the form of buybacks. Midsize companies often compete in markets with greater growth opportunities, and hence are more likely to reinvest in the business. And in many cases, investing in IT will have a higher return than investing in other areas, particularly in the case of tech-oriented businesses that make up a large percentage of the mid-size market.

David Friend

CEO and co-founder of Wasabi

Unsurprisingly, compared to their counterparts in North America, European businesses were more likely to increase IT budgets due to changes in regulations, such as GDPR, and due to currency fluctuations.

Top factors leading to IT budget increases in 2019

In terms of how IT budgets will be allocated in 2019, software and cloud budgets remain steady year over year at 26% and 21% respectively. However, as a percentage of total spend, hardware budget allocations get smaller as company sizes increase and managed service budget allocations get larger.

Compared to last year, smaller orgs with less than 100 employees have significantly leveled up their investments in hardware (31% of their IT budget allocation in 2018 to 42% in 2019). At the same time, large enterprises slightly increased their cloud budget allocations. Companies with 1,000 to 4,999 employees lifted cloud spend by 2 percentage points, while enterprises with 5,000+ employees took their cloud budgets up by 3 percentage points.

Many businesses are increasing IT budgets to replace outdated infrastructure, address the new reality in cybersecurity, and support digital transformation initiatives. For large businesses in particular, the movement to cloud-based infrastructure will help drop expenditures in total cost of operations.

Rob Robless

VP of Global Practices and Strategy,
Small Footprint Inc.
IT budget allocation in 2019


Hosted/cloud-based services
Managed services
Don’t know

When we deconstruct hardware budgets, desktops, laptops, servers, and power and climate hardware top the list. It’s evident desktop investments are still a cornerstone in many organizations, particularly in smaller companies. In fact, according to our recent study on the lifetime of tech in the workplace, desktops are the primary computing device in 68 percent of organizations, compared to only 29 percent of organizations using laptops and 1 percent using tablets as the primary device for employees.

Across company sizes, smaller orgs are investing a larger percentage of their hardware budget in desktops and laptops, midsize orgs with 500 to 999 employees are investing a bigger portion of their budget in tablets and mobile devices, and larger enterprises expect to spend a larger chunk of their hardware budget on security gear.

Hardware budget breakout for 2019


Power & climate
Tablets & mobile
External storage
Don't Know

Operating Systems






Security software

Surveying software for a closer inspection, here’s how budget allocation breaks down: operating systems (12%), virtualization (10%), productivity (10%), and security software (10%) top the list.

Enterprises with 5,000+ employees are allocating the biggest chunk of their software budget to productivity solutions, midsize orgs are prioritizing virtualization software, and the smallest orgs are allocating the most to operating systems.

Software budget breakout for 2019


Operating systems
Industry specific apps
Business support apps
Backup / disaster recovery
Database management
IT management
Email servers
Developer tools
Don’t know

Online backup / recovery


Email hosting


Online productivity


Web hosting

When examining the specs on cloud/hosted service budgets, spending categories at the top of the list include: online backup/recovery (15%), email hosting (11%), online productivity (9%), and web hosting (9%).

Comparing company sizes, larger organizations with 500+ employees are putting a greater percentage of their cloud budgets towards cloud storage/file-sharing services, developer tools, and IT management tools. Orgs with 100-499 employees expect to invest a greater portion of their cloud budget on cloud-based productivity solutions, and smaller orgs plan to put a bigger portion of their budget toward web hosting and email hosting. In fact, in small companies with less than 100 employees, email hosting services went from 11% of their cloud budget in 2018 to 19% in 2019.

Hosted/cloud budget breakout for 2019


Online backup / recovery
Email hosting
Web hosting
Business support apps
Industry specific apps
Security solutions
Cloud storage
IT management
Developer tools
Don’t know

Managed Hosting


Storage / Backup



When it comes to managed services budgets, here’s the breakdown: managed hosting (11%), storage/backup (10%), and security (9%) top the list.

Managed services budget breakout for 2019


Managed hosting
Managed storage / backup
Managed security
Managed business apps
Managed hardware support
Managed communications
Managed cloud infrastructure
Managed networking
Managed IT help desk
Managed print services
Managed mobile computing
Don’t know
Shovel Graphic

What's driving IT buyers to break ground with new tech in 2019?

Similar to 2018, technology end of life, upgrade/refresh cycles, and additional needs resulting from growth are the top drivers of new purchases. It’s also worth noting that less than 10% of IT buyers said discount offers typically entice them to purchase new tech.


End of life


Business growth


End of user needs

Scoping it out by company size, the smallest companies are more driven to purchase new tech due to end of life (62%), business growth (57%), and end user needs (55%). This may explain why their hardware budgets increased significantly year over year, especially with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 end of extended support fast approaching. In contrast, enterprises with 5,000+ employees said new technology features are the primary driver enticing them to purchase new tech, perhaps because larger organizations, who are more likely to grow their IT budgets in 2019, can afford to stay current on the latest tech.

Top drivers of new hardware, software, and/or service purchases

How will budgets shift from 2018 to 2019?


CEOs/presidents are involved in 38% of businesses.


Business line directors are involved in 32% of companies.

In smaller companies, the CEO/president is more likely to be involved, and in large enterprises with 5,000+ employees, business line managers are more likely to be involved.

When comparing regions, it’s evident BDMs in North American organizations are less likely to be involved in technology purchase decisions than their European counterparts.

Business decision makers involved in technology purchase decisions

What role do business decision makers (BDMs) play vs. IT decision makers (ITDMs)? Across all company sizes, it’s evident that compared to BDMs, ITDMs are nearly twice as likely to be the sole decision maker for most technology categories. In small businesses, ITDMs are nearly four times as likely to be the sole decision maker, perhaps because in large enterprises there’s typically more people and processes in place when IT decision makers are making big tech purchases. But across the board, IT decision makers are most likely to hold the keys to the purchasing vault when it comes to networking devices, servers, computing devices, and backup/recovery solutions.

Role IT decision makers play in technology purchases



When involved, BDMs are more likely to either sign off on final approval or veto the deal after ITDMs have made their vendor selection. They’re least likely to be involved in technology purchases when it comes to networking devices, servers, virtualization, backup/recovery, and power and climate technology. But compared to other tech categories, BDMs are more likely to be involved in the purchase decisions for business support apps and industry-specific apps.

Role business decision makers play in technology purchases



When it’s time to upgrade or purchase new tech, organizations entrust IT professionals to find the best solution to meet the needs of the business. For major tech purchases, the CEO or finance manager may be involved to sign on the dotted line, but in most cases, it’s the IT decision maker who conducts the in-depth research, evaluates the vendors, and ultimately chooses the best solution for the business.

Peter Tsai

Senior Technology Analyst at Spiceworks
blue wave conclusion


When it comes to the budgetary bank, 2019 will see business revenues rise. IT budgets will also increase or stay steady, with large enterprises seeing the biggest boost. As companies bulldoze outdated technology, they’re also safeguarding their infrastructure by investing more in a fundamental cornerstone: security.

The bulk of IT budgets will go towards desktops, mobile devices, operating systems, online/backup recovery, and managed hosting. For some tech purchases, the entire crew has a hand from the IT manager to the CEO. But in many cases, the IT buyer will be the sole decision maker for the hardware, software, and services businesses need in 2019 to upgrade the outdated tech that’s holding them back.

2019 State of IT: Future Workplace Tech

Check out part two to find out which emerging tech trends organizations are adopting next year!

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Details on the data

The Spiceworks survey was conducted in July 2018 and included 780 business technology buyers from organizations across North America and Europe. The distribution of IT buyers surveyed is nearly identical to last year’s survey, so the data reveals true market shifts.

Regions represented
Company sizes represented
Top titles represented