Not-so-Terrifying IT Tech Trends
More than three-quarters of survey respondents currently use server virtualization—significantly more than those supporting mobility and BYOD. But only a third are using advanced solutions despite increased security attacks (consider yourself warned!)
That said, IT pros are gearing up for a... threatening year. Almost a quarter plan to invest in advanced security in 2016. Other predicted areas of high growth? Application virtualization/hosted shared desktop, VDI, and various shapes of cloud such as SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS.
Adoption of technology trends
Importance of IT Initiatives to Business
Security solutions, while considered pretty important to current business practices, are expected to get top billing in the future. This indicates IT pros may start using more funds to ward off potential security issues.
Importance of IT solutions/services to current and future business practices
(Percentage of those who selected very to extremely important)
IT's Not All Doom & Gloom
Company revenues should get a boost in 2016, but IT budgets will remain flat. The good news for tech vendors: IT departments will still be shelling out bucks on IT in the coming year. In fact, OS migrations away from Windows Server 2003 and upgrades to Windows 10 will drive some purchases of new servers and PCs.
In addition, with only half of IT departments feeling adequately protected from security threats, IT pros are definitely thinking long and hard about choosing the right security products for their organizations—and budgets.
For IT departments that can't spend big right now, they'll need to look for ways to spend smart by identifying clever ways to save money while still meeting business needs. In other words, things will still go cha-ching in the night...